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To get an account on this platform please register by clicking on the signup link or visit directly the SignUp form. Fill in the mandatory fields register. A confirmation email will reach your inbox. Check the SPAM and JUNK folders ( or also Other in case of hotmail ) for the email. In case you still could not receive please do verify that you used the correct email account.

  1. Enable cookies on your browser.
  2. Clear your browser's cache.
  3. Close all browser's tabs related to ESICM Academy.
  4. Open a new tab and access the Login Portal.
  5. Enter your Username and Password to login.
Note: If you still have problems please do Send us an Email

You cannot login in the platform using the credentials you have received after registration (the username is the email you have provided).

In case you lost your credentials visit Lost Password page to restore them.

  • Enter your username or your email address and then click Reset Password.
  • You will receive a reset link in your inbox. Please check your Spam folder if there is no reset email in your inbox.
  • Click on the reset link and you will be redirected to the corresponding page to change your password.
  • Note: Do not include special characters. A good password can be created using just letters from a-z, A-Z, 0-9, #$%@&*^!

Visit Steame-hybrid platform (, login and then visit your dashboard (upper right icon representing a person)

G refers to Guest.

If you are navigating the platform without logging in, the system automatically assigns you as a Guest. Guests have no privileges to access the courses.

If you want to login using your credentials, please be sure to log out yourself from Guest role first.